Thursday, March 11, 2010

Arriving in a Land 'Down Unda'

I’m not gonna lie, I’m having a little trouble coming up with a way to summarize an entire year’s worth of adventures in a few short blogs (especially three years after the fact), so I’ve come up with a plan! I’m going to break down my time in Australia into a few specific blogs about a few specific places and a few specific experiences that took place while I was there. Here we go!

I had been to Australia before – when I was 19 years old. I don’t remember much – needless to say, many a-drink was had – so returning, at 24 as a south-pacific history student, made for an entirely different experience.

This time around, I was there to do more than take in bourbon, scotch, and beer. I was there to soak up the scenery, culture and, of course, some sun.

I arrived in Melbourne after a 14 hour flight from Honolulu in the wee hours of the night, and was greeted by a perfectly toned tanned Aussie Adonis who welcomed me to the Flinders Street Hostel.

Normally, this would be a good thing. However – while wearing a sticky track suit – saturated in pineapple juice (….we had hit some turbulence along the way), and after a sleepless night and 14 hours in a small space with re-circulated air alongside 100 or more equally sexy strangers – I wasn’t quite looking like my most fabulous self.

I shuffled into the hostel and immediately went to bed.

There’s something remarkable about the Australian sun. I didn’t realize it at the time – or maybe it’s because our sunrises are often covered by overcast clouds and Armageddon snowstorms – but it really is rejuvenating. I awoke to bright skies, warm weather, and even warmer people.

From there – I set out into my new home – ready to explore the city and, of course, find that beautifully bronzed Australian God … I mean, guy.

Destination nutshell:
Flight: $900 total (one way), 26 hours
Accom: My first night was spent at the Flinders Street Hostel. $28 a night – and in a prime local, downtown Melbourne. From there I moved to my uni’s residences.
Highlights: I’m finally off a plane!! And, hey – is that sushi?!

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