Monday, March 29, 2010

Corryong Chug

During one eventful weekend, a girl who lived on res invited us to her family’s hotel in Corryong – a small place North of Melbourne, on the Victoria/ New South Wales boarder.

We drove for what seemed like ages, when we finally arrived at the town. The landscape was not at all like I had pictured in Australia. There were lush green rolling hills, high peaks, and rocky riverbeds. Even more notable, however, were the vast areas of burnt forests and trees that been destroyed when the fires went through that part of the country only a few years before.

I remember my friend telling me that it was amazing what survives these fires. She had been going through the woods only hours after they were put out – and noticed little wombat and wallabies hoping about, and emerging from their little hiding spots. Her friend Brad then shot one … but that’s beside the point.

We spent the night in Corryong’s local pub – drinking with the locals; and, it was actually here that I fully made a name for myself in Australia.

As you may or may not know – I can chug a beer faster than, well, probably anyone you’ve ever met. This greatly amused the guys in my group, who were quick to challenge the big country aussie boys to a ‘sculling’ competition on my behalf.

With the crowd behind me chanting “Can-a-da! Can-a-da! Can-a-da” – I won every single challenge that night – proving that some girls can drink just as well as the boys, and that when it comes to beer – us Canadians aren’t messing around. My friend recently told me that the Corryong guys still talk about “the girl at the pub, who could drink with the boys.”

The next day we went out into the country to hike, picnic, and play some footy. We were enjoying a beautiful afternoon, when something even more remarkable happened – we came across a heard of wild kangaroo playing and lounging in a near-by open field.

We walked slowly up to them, taking their pictures and enjoying how this truly unique animal lives its life in this place so far from ours. It was absolutely incredible.

We had to return back to uni, after only a few short days away – but, regardless of this, Corryong was a great experience and a definite highlight of my year abroad.

Destination Nutshell:
Flight: Our friend’s family picked us up in their bus. They run a travel/ tour group in Victoria. Many thanks, once again!
Accom: We stayed at the Corryong Country Inn for Free! It’s good to know people in high places.
Highlights: Good food, good friends, showing Aussies how it’s done, the mountains, the valleys, the wild kangaroos, and my first ever Sunday Roast.

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