Monday, April 12, 2010

Take and peek at Lake Tekapo!

Before leaving Christchurch we hit the markets to check out cheap jewellery, clothing, and – of course – food. The weather was miserable, so we quickly ducked in and out of shops trying to keep warm and some-what dry.

Well, as luck would so have it, one particular shop we stumbled into was an art gallery that housed a large collection of water and oil paint pieces, featuring the scenery of New Zealand. Immediately, one caught my eye.

Hidden in the back, but hanging on the wall, was a beautiful picture of a church, standing in complete solitude, on the edge of a beautiful lake during sunset. I turned to my friend, and said “I want to go here!”

I’m not sure why that picture resonated so deeply within me – all I knew is that Lake Tekapo was one place I had to go.

We pulled out the map, and noticed that although it was off the beaten trail – we could easily visit the place, while on our way to Queenstown.

Upon arrival, I realized that the painting had hardly done the place justice (and I know my words won’t either). About half a kilometre from a very small town, sat a tiny church, all alone, surrounded by soft rolling mountains and a crystal blue lake. The sun had just begun to set, giving the land a warm orange glow. It was gorgeous.

We bought some shady Chinese food and set up camp (literally), alongside the lake. This actually turned out to be the first …and last… time we pitched a tent in New Zealand. As it turns out our 3 person tent did not comfortable sleep 5, and that no matter how much “body heat” you think a group of squished people wearing every article of clothing they had with them can produce, I can say with confidence that it will not stand up again the subzero New Zealand night.

We woke up at sunrise (…not that any of us really slept), and watched the steam rise off of the lake, as the sun returned from behind the mountains.

From there we left to Queenstown – feeling like we had stumbled upon a hidden gem in the New Zealand countryside.

Flight: Road trip!!! Around $650 for a car for 10 days, split 5 ways.
Accom: $13 each to camp (for $3 more you can stay in the warm, comfortable hostel….it’s worth the splurge)
Highlights: Picturesque scenery, a clear blue lake, mountains, sun rise, sun set, and a mysterious long church that somehow talks to your soul.

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